Having trouble booking on Safari? Please disable "Prevent Cross Site Tracking" in Safari's settings. You may also click here to book your tee time directly in the booking engine: Member Booking Engine or Resident Non-Member Booking Engine.
Our lowest rates are always found online. Walk up and phone reservations are subject to higher prices than what is listed here. Please note, there are separate tabs for Member Tee Times and Resident Non-Member Tee Times. If you have any problems logging in, please call us at 914.925.7001.
Download the Harrison Meadows App for quick tee times, exclusive app-only discounts & more!
Our lowest rates are always found online. Walk up and phone reservations are subject to higher prices than what is listed here. Please note, there are separate tabs for Member Tee Times and Resident Non-Member Tee Times. If you have any problems logging in, please call us at 914.925.7001.
Download the Harrison Meadows App for quick tee times, exclusive app-only discounts & more!
Member Tee Times
Resident Non-Member Tee Times
We welcome golfers with disabilities. The course will make reasonable accommodations to ensure that golfers with disabilities are able to enjoy the course. Please contact the General Manager or Head Golf Professional at the course for more information.
If you wish to cancel your reservation, the course requests that you do so at least 24 hours before the start of your round. However, at no point during the online reservation process will your credit card be charged by the course for the amount due at course. Cancellations inside the 24 hour cancellation window are subject to being charged to the credit card at the applicable rate.